doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Introducing Artemis Papert and Brian Silverman

Your Bring IT, Together 2 Conference Committee continues to plan for the annual conference, November 5-7 2014, in Niagara Falls.  Follow the hashtag #BIT14 on Twitter to be part of the conversation (and, please, jump in!)  The conference website is located at:

We are extremely proud to introduce the duo of Artemis Papert and Brian Silverman.  They will open the Bring IT, Together Conference on Wednesday morning and will be part of the Minds on Media team leading a session dealing with Turtle Art.  Read this blog post by Peter Skillen “Turtle Art – am I a programmer or an artist“.

Artemis Papert

Artemis Papert is an artist creating art in both traditional and digital media. After a first career as a research biologist she retrained as a Shiatsu therapist and is currently training to become a Jungian psychoanalyst. Artemis has led TurtleArt workshops for a wide variety of groups in many countries.

Brian Silverman

 Since the late 1970s, Brian Silverman has been involved in the invention of learning environments for children. His work includes dozens of Logo versions (including LogoWriter & MicroWorlds), Scratch, LEGO robotics, TurtleArt and the PicoCricket. Brian has been a Visiting Scientist at the MIT Media Lab, enjoys recreational math, and is a computer scientist and master tinkerer. He once even built a tic-tac-toe playing computer out of TinkerToys.

Registration for the BIT Conference opens in May.  Please continue to monitor the website, follow the hashtag #bit14 on Twitter, and join the Bring IT, Together group on Facebook.

4 responses to “Introducing Artemis Papert and Brian Silverman”

  1. Even more determined to get to #BIT14 now! Think you’re missing the t in Artemis’ last name in the body of the post. I’m fascinated. The line-up just keeps getting better.


  2. […] me comentaba Artemis Papert, su padre, Seymour Papert solía decir la frase que da título al post. No me resisto a comentar […]


  3. […] el desarrollo del pensamiento computacional, con su experiencia y testimonio, como son entre otros Artemis Papert y Margaret Minsky, junto con otras individualidades que trabajan el […]


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