doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

November 30, 2010

  • First Look at Google Earth 6

    It seems like it was a stealth release.  There was no big fanfare or announcement about the release of Google Earth 6 that cross my desk.  But, I just happened to stumble onto the news and, of course, grabbed it immediately to kick the tires.  I’ve always been fascinated by maps and geography and Google… Continue reading

  • links for 2010-11-29

    GpCode ransomware returns, with stronger encryption | ZDNet A new version of the dangerous GpCode ransomware has been detected, using RSA-1024 and AES-256 as crypto-algorithms. (tags: gpcode encryption returns ransomware icsxx) Facebook infested with new worm Facebook is littered with a worm, seemingly the same one under different names, created by randomly generated developers, which… Continue reading