doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

November 4, 2010

  • The Little Things

    Sometimes, it’s the little things that put you over the top.  One of the things that can really help productivity online is to have a good start.  I’ve tried most everything thing from the configuration in the browsers to using services like Tizmo or Symbaloo.  All lend a certain element of functionality that speeds up… Continue reading

  • links for 2010-11-03

    Keynote themes and templates for interactive prototyping of iPad, iPhone, Android and web applications Create interactive prototypes for web, mobile and desktop apps in 30 minutes or less, using Apple Keynote and Keynotopia UI templates. (tags: Prototype keynote ipad prototyping themes interactive iPhone) 15 Killer Google Chrome Features You Might Not Know About Chrome has… Continue reading