doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

May 21, 2012

  • What You Probably Missed If You Don’t Run Ubuntu

    There’s nothing that says "personalized" like having your own unique desktop wallpaper.  If you run Windows or the Macintosh OS, there is a small collection that comes with installation.  Some people will take pictures of family and put it on your computer and use that. That’s OK, but… When you think that you’re talking about… Continue reading

  • OTR Links 05/21/2012

    How To Google Plus Hangouts On Air (HOA) Share your Hangouts on Air videos on Google Plus, YouTube and Your Blog tags: how to google plus air Fleshmap: Listen: Music What do we sing about, when we sing about the body? The chart below, based on a sample of thousands songs, tells the story. The… Continue reading