doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

This Week in Ontario Edublogs

It’s another wonderful Friday reading day.  (Actually Thursday morning raining cats and dogs as I write this.  I’m optimistic for tomorrow morning) 

Here are a few of the blog posts that caught my eye this week from Ontario Edubloggers.

What was I thinking?

Of course, hindsight is always 100%.  In this post, Jennifer Casa-Todd takes a reflective look at how she would change her practice knowing what she knows now. It’s always easy to kick yourself in moments like this but you’ve got to believe that you were doing what you believed was best at the time.  That fact that she’s now reporting about doing things differently definitely shows that she’s grown in her profession.  The worst thing would have been to say that she was perfect at the time and wouldn’t change a thing.

This is definitely a great post and a read will spur you to consider your own situation.  Maybe even blog about it openly?

I can think of a lot of fellow bloggers who just might rise to that task.  What if a blog post was the basis for an annual learning plan?

Global Education Day at ISTE 2015 #GlobalEd15 #ISTE2015

In the category of longest post by someone I know, Michelle Cordy gives us a summary of the Global Education event at ISTE.  It really is an acknowledgement that, despite the “I” in ISTE, the conference is mostly attended by educators from the US.  Michelle gives us a summary of the events and it sounds wonderful.  Her thinglink does have some US content so that’s great too.

Change how soon is too soon?

I wonder how many principals think about this when getting a new assignment?  How many are willing to post their thoughts about change to a new school online?  Ann Marie Luce did.  It’s an interesting read and, never having been a principal, gives me insights about what it’s like looking at a school and change from the big chair.

I’m sure that she’s ready to embrace the questions that Sylvia Duckworth caught in one of her latest sketchnotes.

ArtEscapes & The Group of Seven

Thanks to Colleen Rose for sharing this and a nice collection of artwork.

I know that, if I was in Red Rock, I’d definitely be checking out Artscapes.  And it’s free.  I look forward to Colleen sharing some of her thoughts after the event.

Insights from a TLLP Journey

In the category of longest post by someone I don’t know comes this from Daniel La Gamba about his TLLP project.

I really like the concept of supporting the digital needs of the students.  You see it all over the place though and so many pretty simplistic approaches.  This goes further though with a humanistic approach stated right up front.

Perhaps this is the focus that all projects should take.  Read the post and see what you can add to your approach.

We can all continue to learn.

It’s NOT about the Tools? Really?

I’ve used the term “trite” so many times in the past week over the simplistic comment that “It’s about pedagogy and not technology”.  Peter Skillen takes that statement to task in a short post that adds a new spin to looking at things as he takes us through the “ages”.  Plus, only Peter could use the word “doodoo” in a post and make it work.

There is no question in my mind that pedagogy is important in any use of anything in the classroom.  But, as I said in a reply to Peter’s post, things are changing so quickly, does our understanding of pedagogy equip us for the future?  Or, is it ever changing?  And, if you believe that, then you’ve got to jump in with both feet on Peter’s thoughts.

What another wonderful collection of blog posts!  Please take a moment to click through and read them.  There’s some really excellent content there.

And, of course, don’t hesitant to jump in and read other Ontario Edubloggers and add your own blog to the list if it’s not there already.

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