doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

This Week in Ontario Edublogs

How do Ontario Edubloggers beat the heat?  They blog!

Here’s some of what caught my eye recently.

How do we teach Terms of Service?

Royan Lee has an interesting post dealing with the terms of service that need to be agreed to when you sign up for a service.  I’m bad at that…I think I actually read one at one time.  Now, it seems to be just another click on the road to electronic stuff.

Even when you go out and pay for a brand new computer, Microsoft or Apple will have pages and pages of things that you need to agree to before you are allow to.  That always struck me as odd since I paid for it.  But you do.

Virtually every time you sign up for anything, there’s an agreement to be made.  The consequence of saying no is that you can’t use it.  It’s an interesting issue in education.  When a student sits down at a school imaged computer, should they understand the legal deal between them and Microsoft or does that lie with the technician who imaged the machine?  Or is it the organization that hired the technician.

Glad I’m not a lawyer.

I hope that Royan shares his experience.


Stratosphere – A Book Review

David Fife blogs a nice review of Michael Fullan’s Stratosphere.  Michael was a popular speaker at last year’s ECOO Conference where he talked about these issues.

Stratosphere is a good read and I agree with David.  Anyone interested in the effective use of technology needs to read it.  I think administrative folks should have it compulsory.  That will help them when they’re walking around watching classes to get a sense of what might be working and what’s a waste of time.


A Guaranteed Pick-Me-Up

I really like Sue Dunlop’s basket idea.  I actually did have a collection of my own.  I never thought to collect them in a basket – I would put mine in my personal portfolio.  It was a great source of inspiration when needed.

The hardest part is weeding them periodically.


CASA13: An important remix

I see a long conversation with Mark Carbone in my future.  Mark shares his learning and reflections from the recent CASA conference in his latest post.

Considerable room is reserved to the SAMR model and his thoughts about that.  Another good read from Mark.  Thanks.


Please visit the blog posts at the links above and read the great writing from these great bloggers.

You can check out the entire list of Ontario Edubloggers by clicking here.  If you’re not on the list and you are blogging, fill out the form and you’ll be added.

Also, check out the lists of Ontario Educators on Twitter.  There are two lists here and here.


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