doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

July 11, 2013

  • Minds on Media at #ECOO13

    The Educational Computing Organization of Ontario once again is proud to announce that Minds on Media will be an option for  attendees on the Wednesday workshop day.  Imagine an environment where your curiosity leads your learning through various stations where you have some of the leading Ontario educators there to fuel that curiosity.  BYOD and learn… Continue reading

  • OTR Links 07/11/2013 – Let’s teach the machines to sing “Chirp is an incredible new way to share your stuff – using sound. Chirp sings information from one iPhone to another.” tags: chirp iphone sharing apps ios TourWrist “In less than 60 seconds, you can now create, label and submit your own 360°panorama (pano) with the totally… Continue reading