doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

This Week in Ontario Edublogs

It was yet another terrific week to read the thoughts of Ontario Edubloggers.  You can check them all out at:

Here are some of the entries that particulary caught my attention.

From K-12 Teachers
Scott Kemp had an interesting piece about social media and currency.

He challenged us with two big questions.

  • If we are creating inauthentic reasons for these students to use social media, are we using or abusing the currency of social media? and

  • How do we help students accumulate this type of currency, save it, spend it wisely? Can we make them effective currency-managers in their future?

The first question, in particular, has got me spinning.  So much that is done in classrooms is "inauthentic".  It’s an interesting question and certainly one worthy of asking when designing activities that use social media.  One might say that it’s a good question for every activity but I think it’s more important with the social media angle because students are using it already and don’t come to the table as a clean slate.

From Parents/School Advocates
@sheilaspeaking actually dug around the EQAO website and shared her thoughts about a change in policy indicating that student performance on the test could now count up to 30% towards a Grade 9 mathematics mark.  Such an approach was seen as a motivator for students to take the test seriously according to a research report.

That certainly changes the picture.  The "up to 30%" bit shakes me a bit showing inconsistency in the approach throughout the province.

From Trustees and Higher Education
Robert Hunking shares his thoughts on PIC.  (Parent Involvement Coordinator)  In his post, he takes on a number of different angles on PIC and how it differs from and supports School Advisory Councils. 

You see different levels of function with School Advisory Councils from hot dog days to serious input and communication about school policies.  I wonder if there is an exemplar as to what an exemplary SAC should actually look like?

From Consultants and SATs
Colin Jagoe had the opportunity to attend the ABEL Summit and shared some of his observations.  The first thing that he focused on was the notion of Digital Literacy vs Digital Fluency.

Those of us who have worked in the area of professional development focus on this all the time.  The concept of "literacy" answers the question of "how" whereas "fluency" deals with "how well".  I would add a further example from my times as a  webmaster at the bilingual website, OSAPAC.  There’s a big difference between Grade 12 French and Google Translate to produce bilingual content and actually having a person who speaks both languages help you!

From Principals, VPs, Administrators
Shannon Smith has a little something on the go that Robert Hunking might be interested in.  She’s working with Lorna Constantini on a webcast talking about parent leadership and communication and interaction with schools using social media.

Can social media provide the type of voice and interaction that would promote involvement and learning within the parents of a school community?  Could this be the beginning of another Twitter hashtag and chatathon?  #parentchat?  I’m sure than Shannon will blog about the experience and I hope that she and Lorna get a good turnout at their webcast on February 20.  What a fitting activity for Family Day.

These are but a sampling of the great things that are happening in Ontario Edublogs.  Follow the links above to the big lists and check out these blogs and more.

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One response to “This Week in Ontario Edublogs”

  1. Can social media provide the type of voice and interaction that would promote involvement and learning within the parents of a school community? – I guess so, that is, if we promote it well and lay down the benefits to encourage participation.


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