doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Whatever happened to …

… Pantry Ginger Cookies?

I can’t even find a picture to maybe spark a memory of these wonderful treats.

A long time ago, they used to be something that my grandparents always had on hand. They were an odd shape with edges that wowed in and out, were very thing with a smooth top, and had the word Pantry stamped into the top.

Unlike many other ginger snaps, these really had a powerful ginger taste to them and were not what you would call sweet. They came in a pinkish cardboard package with a cellophane top so you could see that they weren’t broken although it really didn’t matter to me. For a guy who typically doesn’t like cookies, these allowed me to break that rule.

Until a while back, they were available for sale at the local Sobeys but no longer. I’ve looked there, at No Frills, Walmart, etc. and can’t find them anywhere. There seems to be no reference to them online at all. I’ve even gone to grocery store websites, searched for “cookies” or “ginger” and scrolled through so many offerings with no luck.

There are lots of ginger and gingerbread offerings but it’s like these don’t exist! Can you help a guy out?

For a Sunday…

  • do you know of Pantry Ginger cookies? (if so, I really need to know where)
  • have you ever made a gingerbread character?
  • why do most ginger or gingerbread cookies have a broken top instead of a smooth one like these had?
  • is this product a casualty of the pandemic as companies reduce products?
  • do you have a favourite cookie or will any one do?
  • I’m not making this up –

I’d be most interested in your comments, particularly if you can give me a lead on what happened to these. Please do so in the comments below.

If you have a topic for this regular Sunday morning post, please reach out and give me your idea. For the most part, the topics are fun to research and reminisce about. This particular one is frustrating because it’s been a staple in our cupboard for so long and now we can’t find it.

7 responses to “Whatever happened to …”

  1. […] Sunday – Whatever happened to … ? […]


  2. […] Whatever happened to … – doug — off the record […]


  3. The description of those cookies does ring a bell, but not ringing very clear at the moment. It is either gingersnap or chocolate cookie at the top of my list.


  4. OMG, I thought I was the only one who remembered!!! Unfortunately, I’m in the same boat as you. Cannot.find a trace anywhere. I’d pay 10 bucks a box for those things now.


  5. We had about a half hour or more debate on these cookies. Fond memories as it was a great treat. Can’t find them on any web site. What happened 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


  6. […] … Pantry cookies? (The original post and comments) and here. […]


  7. Sadly, they no longer make these cookies. You will find a close facsimile called Purity Ginger Cookies but they aren’t quite the same in texture or taste. My mother is working on a copycat recipe and feels she’s close to having it perfected, but will report back in a few pounds.


Please share your thoughts here. I’d enjoy reading them.

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