doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Live cameras

I have to give Ben Schafer a nod for bringing this to my attention.

Of course, I had to check it out and, like Ben, became totally fascinated with it.  Ben’s original note took me to Brown Bear Cam where the hunt was on for salmon.

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Getting your fill is indeed hard work!

You’re not limited to bears though.  Navigation across the top of the screen will let you satisfy all your desires for watching nature.

It was when I got curious about what Zen Cams might be when I found my moment.  It was watching honey bees.  Pick a bee, any bee, and watch it work.  Fascinating.

So, if you’re looking for live, real animal resources, you’ve just got to check this out.

Thanks, Ben.

3 responses to “Live cameras”

  1. These are fantastic! Might even be good to check them out in class for some inspiration or talking points for kids. I know a group of our students that would love them!



  2. […] Live cameras – doug — off the record […]


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