doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

This Week in Ontario Edublogs

Here’s my Valentine’s Day gift to you.  Some of the great reading I enjoyed recently from Ontario Edubloggers.

Short Story: The Encourager, Part 1
Short Story: The Encourager, Part 2
I like it when people experiment and take their blog into new directions.  Brandon Grasley is using his blog as a platform for his own creative writing.  He’s writing and publishing his own short story in serial format – one piece at a time.

What a neat concept.  He’s making it work for him; how about writing and publishing for students in the same way?

Getting Boys Reading and Writing

This is Kent Manning’s passion and he continues to share some of his own and other’s work in this area.

In his most recent post, Kent references some great resources in that field.  I found that this link pointed more directly to Mr. Wilson’s resources.

To Question IS the Answer!

Peter Skillen offers a very comprehensive post that I think can be summarized as “respect for the student as learner”.  This is another one of those great posts from an experienced leader that absolutely should be used at a Faculty of Education to encourage students to shake the baggage of their own educational experiences.

This isn’t a one time thought from Peter.  If you know the gentleman, you’ll recognize that this is absolutely his passion.  Near the end of this post, Peter links to writing of his own from the past, all consistent and supportive for the work in this post.

I want to add my appreciation for the consistency and importance of the message that he’s offered to Ontario educators.

Did PowerPoint Make Me a Better Teacher?

You might be surprised at Jeff Brown’s answer.

I hope that he’s giving the software too much credit and that it was the tool that worked best in his arsenal for the desired task.

Great stuff folks!  Thanks for writing and sharing.

Please take the time to read these great blog posts at the links provided.

Also, my complete list of Ontario Edublogs is located at this Livebinder.  If your blog isn’t listed there and you’d like it to be, just complete the form and I’ll get it added as soon as I can.

3 responses to “This Week in Ontario Edublogs”

  1. Mary-Ann Fuduric, OCT Avatar
    Mary-Ann Fuduric, OCT

    Love the Valentine’s day theme! Had a few minutes to check out the link for Gary Wilson – great stuff! As a mom to an 8 year old boy who struggles with his writing and doesn’t enjoy reading I think this site has a lot of helpful ideas. Lots of great info! Thanks for sharing!


  2. Doug, thank you so very much for this wee gift of such kind words!! Yes, as you’ve said, I wish we’d become friends much earlier in this game of life! 🙂


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