doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Reverse Discovery

I found a real gem for a resource recently just by tracking backwards.  From the Infographics category in my Zite reader, I enjoyed the infographic “Where In the World Is the Internet?“.

I thought I knew.  It’s in one room, reaches over here via wireless, and my phone connects “up there” wherever that is.  Obviously, it was going to be more than that, smart aleck, so I clicked the link expecting to see internet usage from around the world.


I wasn’t disappointed.

I spent a great deal of time exploring the infographic.  It really put things into perspective in that the usage by country is giving in terms of percentage of use rather than just sheer numbers.  That’s two completely different stories!

Given recent world events, it would be a great classroom discussion about how the rest of the world gets immediate stories, sees live video, watches recorded video, share images and pictures, etc.  There were some surprising figures to me.  But, I love this stuff.

Now, this is all a preamble to what I really want to talk about.

A good infographic will quote its sources so that you can judge the credibility and accuracy of the data depicted.  That’s crucial for the analysis of any information that you’re accessing on the internet.  In this case, the infographic quoted the website Internet World Stats.  This is interesting – really interesting.


If you like statistics, make sure that you bookmark this resource.

This is a source for those real world type of problems that lend instant answers to the question “Where does anyone use this?”.

Whether you’re doing data analysis, math discussions, drawing charts, or even creating your own infographics, there literally is a world of data here just waiting to be accessed.

Go for it.


Please share your thoughts here. I’d enjoy reading them.

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