doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

This Week in Ontario Edublogs

June is (finally) here.  The learning and reflects from Ontario Edubloggers continues though.  Read on to see some of the things that caught my attention recently.

The High Jump Bar


I really like the comparison of the educator and the athletic coach in this post.  I really hope that the “sermon on the mount” classrooms are few and far between.  In Ontario, we’ve spent so much on professional learning with teachers.  As a system though, we should never consider the transformation as one being “done”.  We talk about lifelong learning and, if we truly believe it, we need to find a way for it to apply to the craft of teaching in addition to all of the other things that we would have people learn.



In an effort to prove that principals are human, Brian Harrison modelled his own concept of courage by singing a little Justin Bieber.  Did they cover this during the principals’ course?

The kids seemed to enjoy it…


Learning from the Energy of our Differences

The tact that Konrad Glogowski took for the delivery of a professional learning experience to a Georgia school blew me away.  I’ve never heard of anything happening like this.  Typically, you look up a speaker, see what she/he is capable of delivering, pick one and hope that it’s well received.  A good presenter will have a dialogue to help understand the audience or the message to be delivered.  Not all though.  I’ve sat through so many that are picked and canned and you either take it or leave it.  Sadly, a lot of times, I leave it.

Konrad talks of a story of immersing himself in the environment of the school, realizing that his standard talk would miss the mark and so drops back and refines his message.



Wouldn’t that be amazing?

I know that, at the Western RCAC, we have the speakers in the night before and talk about things over supper but this certainly takes the awareness to the next level.


The Orange Juice Judgement:  Unit Cost, Proportion and Volume

I love this very involved activity Kyle Pearce pulled together surrounding the smarts involved in the purchase of orange juice.  I had to laugh thinking that it must take Kyle forever to do groceries each week if he’s going into this depth about orange juice.



It certainly goes to the question that every mathematics teacher dreads:  “When are we going to use this stuff?”

Just wait until he gets to the part where they need to be able to do this in their heads!


Thank you to those who created such interesting blog posts.  Please take some time to visit and enjoy the efforts of those above.  I’ve provided the links!

When you’re done that, enjoy all of the Ontario Edubloggers by visiting this LiveBinder.  And, if you’re blogging and not included or you know of another Ontario Edublogger, please complete the form so that I can add to the collection.


3 responses to “This Week in Ontario Edublogs”

  1. […] This Week in Ontario Edublogs ( […]


  2. Doug,

    Thank you for featuring my post! I still vividly remember the week I spent at that school – it’s hard to say how much of an impact it had on the school and the teachers I worked with, but it had a tremendously valuable impact on my own professional growth and my understanding of teacher professional development. It constantly reminds me of the power of conversations and reflection in teacher PD.

    – Konrad


  3. Thanks for the mention, Doug!

    Shopping is definitely an experience with me. Talk to my wife! Ha! 🙂


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