doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Whatever happened to …

… Seymour Butz?

I probably could have put in “crank phone calls” but this seemed more liable to get your attention. My inspiration for this was yesterday’s post about vandalism. There was a time when “vandalism” was just a crank phone call away.

A lot of the plot lines from The Simpsons date back to a time that those of us from a certain age can appreciate.

Crank phone calls were one of those things. Make a phone call and have some fun with a winning line or two.

Is your refrigerator running? Yes. Well you better go and catch it.


Call a random number and start singing happy birthday!


Is Mister Wall there? No. How about Misses Wall? No. Then what’s holding up your ceiling?

I’m sure that you can come up with better. For a Sunday, your thoughts?

  • What happened to crank calls? I haven’t had one in years
  • Have you ever been crank called? How did you respond?
  • Back before we used smartphones, we had a phone on the wall. How could you get your phone to call back to the person who just cranked you?
  • Do you have a better crank calling line than the ones I’ve included above? PLEASE – reply with your best lick
  • These days, we have other problems with bizarre phone calls. How frequently do you get spam calls? Will you join me in court waiting for the Canada Revenue Agency to arrive?
  • These days, these type of callers spoof the number they’re calling from. How does that work?

I’d sure love to read about your thoughts with crank phone calls. Or, go ahead and crank reply to this post!

This is part of a regular Sunday morning feature. You can access them all here.

3 responses to “Whatever happened to …”

  1. […] Whatever happened to … | doug — off the record […]


  2. I recall the “phase” of entertaining ourselves doing prank calls — maybe pre-teen years? Phone books were more readily available for random calling or you picked a neighbour and their number, and took your chances 🙂 Funny now to think we thought that was fun or maybe we were just bored in a small town. I recall one other in addition to the refrigerator one… something like, “Do you have Mr. Clean (or?) in a can? Then you better let him out… groan.
    I think wrong number stories are funnier — now that I am more mature haha
    So many different reasons not to answer a ring on our phones now!

    Liked by 1 person

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