doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

We all need to take 21 seconds

Our Prime Minister certainly made the news yesterday everywhere when asked to comment on things south of the border. Play the movie for the exact question and his response.

We were watching it live, as we normally do at 11am. When asked the question, we looked at each other and wondered what he would say. At about 10 seconds, we started to offer suggestions for him. At first, we actually thought that maybe the feed had locked up. Normally, he’s very smooth at generating political answers, not always answering the original question, but generally answering quickly and responsively. Here, he appeared to be stumped. Or at least thinking sincerely about a response. Or trying to frame an appropriate response. Or trying not to say what his inner voice was suggesting.

He certainly should have know that the question was coming.

The 21 seconds really was noticeable and the comments from news outlets all seemed to be the same, except for the one from that Toronto newspaper.

When he did answer, it was with the voice of a true leader. He didn’t look around for someone to help him frame his response. He came across knowing and understanding Canadians and gave a response, granted a political response, that you could take to the bank and be proud of. It would have been easy to name names and point fingers but he elected not to do so. I think that the questioner had phrased the question to make it easy to come out swinging.

In these times, it’s very easy to find negative things. You don’t have to go looking for issues. They’re right there in front of you. It’s easy to be knee-jerk and spew some sort of answer. It’s also easy to sit back and have no indication that you know or desire to know what’s going on.

It takes a true leader to pause for the 21 seconds and frame an appropriate response. It’s the wise individual that thinks things through before responding. I’m not just talking about the Prime Minister but for all of us.

Personally, from the moment I wake, I could be lashing out in every direction. There’s so much wrong; sadly, there’s little, very little I can do about things. But, there’s a great deal that I can do about making other things right in my own little world. I’ve decided to cut those other negative elements out of my life, analogue and digital. I feel much better for it.

An important part of what I do revolves around my community. I’m not in the position of being able to change everything but I am in a position to do some things. I can pick up garbage at the side of the road when I’m out dog walking. I can smile and say hi to strangers that we come across. I can smile and wave at that car or truck that just went by and moved over rather than run me off the road. I can wear a face mask for those few times that I am out in public and can’t socially distance.

For today, I challenge readers of this blog to pause for 21 seconds, be thoughtful, and think about what you can do in the positive and for the collective good in whatever part of the world you influence. You don’t have to share it here but you can if you want.

9 responses to “We all need to take 21 seconds”

  1. Doug, I’ve taken way more than 21 seconds here, but I think I finally know my answer. And I’m going to blog about it. Maybe this afternoon. So, in other words, my answer is coming … I promise.



    1. It seems my purpose in life these days is to inspire you to post, Aviva! It is a good way to share out loud.


  2. That pause makes people uncomfortable, but a lot of us would do well to pause before we speak. It’s so easy to make Trump angry with words, and Trudeau has been on the end of that anger before. I can see he learned his lesson. I was watching and thinking about how easy it would be to just start talking but then end up regretting the words.


    1. I’m guessing you probably nailed his thoughts, Lisa. As teachers, we know that sometimes the best thing to do is remain quiet and wait things out.


  3. Alfred Thompson Avatar
    Alfred Thompson

    I wish more people, but especially those in leadership positions would think before speaking. I loved what your Prime Minister said. I have family members who are people of color. Some of them actually live in Canada while many of them live in the US. I know their reality is different from mine. It makes me sad.


    1. I wasn’t aware that you have relatives in Canada, Alfred. That’s kind of cool. Understanding diversity is a trait that is so valuable.


  4. […] morning, I started my day off as I always do, reading Doug Peterson‘s daily blog post. In today’s post, Doug shares the 21 second pause that Justin Trudeau took when he was asked […]


  5. […] We all need to take 21 seconds – doug — off the record […]


  6. […] Thursday – We all need to take 21 seconds […]


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