doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Understanding Music

When it comes to music, I know what I like.  Like so many, I suspect, I have a number of stations preset and just flip through those depending upon mood, time of day, company I’m with, etc.  I’ll admit that I don’t explore far beyond my comfort zone.

The last time I got into full music appreciation would have been in high school where our music teacher tried her best to expand our horizons.  I’m not sure that she was completely successful but we did get the exposure and I did learn that there was more to music than just turning to CKLW and singing along.

In this digital world, moving the resource to the web opens all kinds of possibilities and Musicmap is an answer for that.

Exploration and navigation are pretty straight forward.  Use your mouse to navigate over the image map and click on a category.

Of course, you’ll never cover it all in a single display so a collection of genres within the major categories allow you to zero in on just exactly what you’re in search of.  And what treatment of music would be complete without a playlist.  

I discovered music that I hadn’t heard in years.  I did find myself digging through various music genres and really enjoyed the presentation and the research.  You need to click on the compass on the left to really understand the scope of the project.

As you navigate, you can’t help but be impressed with the wealth of music information available here.  It’s definitely worthy of sharing the link with those who teach and enjoy music within your staff.

I was also extremely impressed with the layout and how fluid the panels of information glided in and out.  I’ve seen many resources that try for effects like these but fail – leaving inoperable or broken windows on the screen.  Navigation here just works which means a better result from my discovery.  All of the links I followed point to YouTube videos so if your setup can handle that, you won’t need to install other drivers just to enjoy.

So, sit back and turn on your speakers and warm up your mouse.  You’re in for a wonderful learning treat this morning.

One response to “Understanding Music”

  1. Thanks for this, Doug – I’ll be popping it onto my weekly webpage update to share with parents and students. However, it is officially your fault that “16 tons” has now been planted in my brain. Memories of Saturday afternoons at “The Downstairs Club” in Ottawa in the late 80’s – it was part of Lucky Ron Burke’s set list, and we would all sing along.


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