doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Tangential Learning

No, this is not a memory from the past post.  However, the “But the operator says forty cents more for the next three minutes” is really a blast from the past.  That, and the image of the telephone booth.  When was the last time you saw/heard either of those?

What started all this was just a reflection on just how tangental learning or, at the least, reading can be when you’re connected and you let it happen.

You probably don’t care but one of my curations is of my own blog.  I tuck away blog posts here on Flipboard.  It started as just a challenge to myself to see if I could make it work but it’s turned out to be a real time saver.  Often, I’ll want to revisit a post where I’m aware of the concept but not necessarily the crucial keywords that would let me search for it with the WordPress search feature.  It’s the old concept of “I’ll know it when I see it”.  So, there are times where just flipping through the past posts can be one of the most efficient ways of finding something.

It was simple enough to do; I just added “Stories matching “” to the topics that I’m following.  I open it to see the latest entries and then flip them into the above mentioned Flipboard document.  It’s about a two second effort.

This morning, I was doing this and noticed this page.

In true Flipboard fashion, it had captured a bit of the post and any related image.

You’ll see Jaimie’s beautiful image as well as a recent Sketchnote from Sylvia Duckworth.

None of this is particularly news.  But look closely at the Sketchnote.

One of the powers of working in the Flipboard environment is that somehow it’s analysing the content of the article and creating a category for it.  In this case, it’s notified me that there’s a category (or at least a search for “Sylvia”).  Just tap on it to follow.  All of a sudden, I was off in a different direction reading things about Sylvias.

Sometimes, the best learning comes just from a random thought or interest.  I guess it’s kind of nice if it’s related to a topic.

Now, I’m not ready for an AMA session about Sylvias but I do know a bit more than I did when I woke up.

I blame it all on Sue Waters who challenged me to find new and different ways to use Flipboard.  Thanks, Sue.

5 responses to “Tangential Learning”

  1. Doug,
    I’m experimenting with the new inbox feature of gmail, and one thing I really like is that it highlightsany attachments sitting in your inbox (including videos). Imagine my delight and intrigue this morning to find the Dr Hook video there. This is one of those songs that is part of my “personal playlist” (the one permanently stored in your brain) because it’s a favourite of my mom’s! So thank you for the fact that I will have “please, Mrs Avery, I’ve just got to talk to her” circling through mr brain all day!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s such a timeless piece of music, even though some of the context is a big dated. I just hope your maiden name wasn’t Avery!


  3. Hi Doug!

    I see Categories applied to this post: Application, Computers, Education, Just Rambling, Learning.

    Do you also use WordPress tags? For this post, I would consider the following tags: Dr. Hook, Sylvia’s Mother, phone booth, Flipboard, OTR Links, sketch note, Sylvia Duckworth, @sylviaduckworth, Sue Waters, @suewaters

    In addition to helping to summarize and highlight the key mentions in a post, the tags (keywords in another paradigm) cross-link posts on your blog via recurring topics, people, etc. It doesn’t necessarily lead to quite the serendipity of exploration that you are referring to here, but it does allow you and your readers to get at related posts quickly that reside within your own blog.


  4. […] Tangental Learning | doug — off the record […]


  5. Doug, I rediscovered that song about three weeks ago and couldn’t get it out of my mind. Great storytelling. When I imagine Mrs Avery, who behaves with impeccable restraint , I see her as Thelma Ritter


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