doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

What Connected Learning Looks Like

Or, as Daniel Beylerian says “Twitter just got real”.

I had the wonderful opportunity to witness some connected learning among educators last night.  I was a “fly-by” participant, having been tagged in the Twitter post that started it all, just kept half an eye on the discussion while doing other things, and going to bed before the learning was over.  In between all of this, there was a problem definition, problem focus redefined, reach out to learners, a couple of selfies, brainstorming, trial and error, and finally, success!

In the process, the actual product went from this analog original:

to this digital drawing in a Google document.

I was able to visit the iterations leading to success and captured the entire learning to a Storify document I called What Connected Learning Looks Like.

And, the very best part?  I got to add another Ontario Educator to my lists.

Welcome, @NoraBeylerian.

One response to “What Connected Learning Looks Like”

  1. […] What Connected Learning Looks Like | doug — off the record […]


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