doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

A Great Place to Learn

If you had to quantify your learning, yesterday was a great one for me.

First, I stumbled upon Jim Kazanjian’s imagery Fantastic Imaginary Buildings Created by Splicing Together Found Photos.  As I was enjoying his wizardry, I got ideas for how this might serve as inspiration for others.

Then, as I am likely to do, I blogged about it.  I scheduled it for 5am and went to bed.  Time and WordPress worked their magic and the post appears on the blog, is announced on Twitter, and is also mailed out to 147 subscribers and who knows how many people who have it in their RSS reader.

As I write this while trying to ignore my wife’s favourite television show, I’ve had 190 visitors to this particular blog post.

Of that, though, there were a couple of special visitors.  Not only did they drop by for the read but they left some thoughts.  It’s these thoughts that amplified my learning for the day.

Peter Beens shared an inspirational image site  I’ve been exploring those images off and on all day.  My Photoshop skills are just enough that it’s driving me nuts guessing how I might try to replicate the editing.

Then, Andy Forgrave drops by and takes me to the world of ds106 and its assignment bank.  I had no idea.  I live in a world were ds106 is a radio station where Stephen Hurley hangs out.  But Andy had created and shared an assignment.  My learning had started from encouraging Andy and Stephen to lead a session at edCampWR.  I had bookmarked the radio station and fire it up for a listen when Stephen is online and lets us know over Twitter.  That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

My sincere thanks to Peter and Andy.  I’m so much the better for it.  Where else but in our online community can you share one idea and get two back?


One response to “A Great Place to Learn”

  1. I too had no idea about Andy’s activities repository. I shared it with my class this morning and tweeted about it here:

    The document mentioned in the tweet is open to editing by anyone, so other teachers are welcome to share their favourite activities as well.


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