doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

The Power of One (or Two or Three)

After every conference that I attend, I try to sit back and reflect on the messages that I heard and filter them down to one or two that make the biggest impact on me.  In this case, the drive home from Niagara Falls (over four hours) gave me lots of time to run through the events of the past three days.  There are a number of things that I’m going to remember but I think something that Amber MacArthur said resonated the most with me.  “Believe in the Power of One”.

The example that she used was the video “United Breaks Guitars”.

I’m reminded of the quote attributed to Martha Mead “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

It’s within the context of the ECOO13 Conference that Amber’s comment makes so much sense.

In the conference, there were 220ish breakout sessions lead by one (or two or three) presenters.  That single person (or team) shared their passion; their expertise; their knowledge; their skills; their attitudes…  often to an overflowing room.  Just doing the mathematics, with ~1300 in attendance, there were a lot of messages received.

How many of these messages will encourage, inspire, or change practice?

Therein lies the power of the presenter.  That one (or two or three) person has the potential to change things throughout the province.  Let’s see it happen.

I believe in the power.

4 responses to “The Power of One (or Two or Three)”

  1. So true Doug. And in this case, the power of two + fifteen!



  2. Hi Doug – here is my response to your question – beyond #ECOO 2013

    Thanks again for all the inspiration!


  3. Doug, sounds like I missed a fantastic learning opportunity. :What a wonderful experience for those fortunate enough to attend, (I knew it would be with you at the helm!) Enjoy your reprieve then I hope you will have time to visit Northwood on Tuesday or Thursday to help my GigaKnights program their robot 🙂 Prepare to be impressed!


  4. My name is Shakeya Andrews and I am a student in edm 310 at the University of South Alabama. My blog can be found at Shakeya Andrews

    Hi Doug! loved the fact that you included the united guitar video in your blog it was very moving. The video added to your post about one or two people making a difference. Also, your post had me curious to know what was said in the breakout group sessions. What were some of the things the presenter said to make their speech powerful?

    Shakeya Andrews


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