doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Gotta Love It

One of the things that you hope to see when you blog about something is to have an impact on something / someone.  Earlier this week, I had blogged about young Joshua Lim’s cartoon blog.  I followed up the next day with a blog post "If an Eleven Year Old Can Do It…".  The messages were first, about how a young gentleman could share his passion and secondly, if he’s doing it, why aren’t others?  It just seems to me that more transparency would lead to greater sharing and hopefully a scaffolding of what happens in instruction.

Sometimes you just have high hopes.  This afternoon, these hopes were realized.

In a Twitter message, Diana Maliszewski (MZMollyTL on Twitter) let me know that she took up the challenge.

And, not only is she sharing one resource, she’s sharing two!  How awesome is that.

I really enjoyed going through this wiki.  I know that Diana has done considerable work with her after school gaming club.  We’ve talked about it before; now she’s opened up and shares with the world what it looks like.

Not only can you see what it looks like, but she’s also sharing her multi-school proposal that might be of real interest to others who are interested in setting up their own gaming for learning environment.

MZMolly TL Share Space
This seems to be home to her other good stuff.  Diana is a Teacher-Librarian and is very actively using social media in her school and her library.  It’s worth poking around to look at the content but spend some time on her Pedagogical Tools page.  Here she shares some lessons and unit plans that she’s designed.  It’s great inspiration for everyone.

So, extreme kudos for sharing both of these resources, Diana.  Hopefully, they will be useful to others and that there are others that just need a push to get started sharing their own.  Who’s next?

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2 responses to “Gotta Love It”

  1. Thanks Doug for the positive feedback. I have to give some credit where it’s due (besides you, of course). The Gaming Educators wiki is a group effort and Liam O’Donnell (@liamodonnell on Twitter) and Denise Colby (@Niecsa on Twitter) are part of the team. We’ll actually be presenting a webinar on gaming at on March 5. I will blog about this exchange for my upcoming Monday Molly Musings and I hope it is a continued exchange beyond just the two of us. Does this mean you can make me a badge for my blog? ;>


  2. Absolutely. Check your DM for a link.


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