doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

This Week in Ontario Edublogs

Happy end of the first week, folks. The big thing here was that our show went primetime on Wednesday due to one of us not being available in the morning. It was a different feeling; usually on Wednesdays, I get inspired and head out for the day. Yesterday, I looked out to see that the sun had set and I had missed quality back yard time!

On Peanut Butter and Covid in Schools

It’s interesting what you learn about people by following them from afar on social media. Marie is running for School Board Trustee! Who knew? Not me, but you do now.

That wasn’t what this post was about – at least not yet.

It was about some of the decisions that school and provincial governance make about student safety. For years, we’ve been aware of students with allergies to nuts and nut-based products. That’s been the end of peanut butter sandwiches. I can’t imagine; that’s a staple around here.

But, I get it. I’m allergic to penicillin and I remember the swelling in my nose and throat before I knew about it and subsequently stopped taking it. I do wear a Medic Alert but, to be honest, except for that prescription back when I was 13 or 14 or something and the incident, penicillin has never been offered or even talked about since.

So, school systems have dealt with nut allergy and Marie does give us a great history lesson about it and the legislated law that allows students to carry puffers. It’s a good read.

But then, she turns to today’s reality and the plan to not require facemasks and all the other prevention measures as schools re-open. It stopped me in my tracks thinking about it. She works through her observations and thoughts very nicely.

Teachers meet students (again)

It was great to see a new post from Albert.

If you’re a teacher, this is a heartwarming blog post with a very serious message.

We’ve all done this; we take a break from our 23 hours a day to do some shopping or something and we run into a student or former student. Or, student and their parent and you get introduced or you have a conversation.

This is a wonderful story of Albert running across a former student — but with a twist. The student didn’t come from any of Albert’s classes and yet there was a significant moment that that student will remember forever.

Click through and read it; you’ll love it. I’m not going to spoil it any further for you.

Just remember that Teachers are People too.

Slice of Life: August

August is such a momental month for teachers for so many reasons. Lisa takes to her blog to share some of the momental things and what they mean to her. If you’re like me, you’ll think about each in your own context.

  • August is for unpacking June boxes
  • August is for resting up – until you realize that September is coming and you need to kick it into high gear
  • August is for not having a routine, but still getting the September routine organized
  • August is for repeatedly saying, “I’m ready!”
  • and the most important August thing that you’ll only get by clicking through and reading her post


Thanks to social media, so many people have shared their back to school and classroom organizing routines on social media. It’s a great place to see how energetic and original some folks can be. It’s also a place to steal borrow some great ideas.

Aviva and her partner Paula are no different and the focus is on intentionality for what they’re doing.

There’s a huge list of things that they’ve considered that most definitely will have you nodding your head or moving to steal borrow them or confirming that you’ve done something different and you’re happen for it.

Three things leapt out at me from the big list and Stephen and I chatted about them on the show. This is for an Early Years’ classroom

  • No carpet
  • Furniture placed to stop running
  • Empty walls

And, in typical Aviva fashion, there are pictures and a movie to give a visual support to their work. This nicely accompanies her observations on the items from the big list.

The 500 – #301 – Coat Of Many Colors – Dolly Parton

Marc continues his march through that list of 500 top songs and #301 is the Coat of Many Colors album by Dolly Parton.

He believes and then builds the case that she may be the greatest artist in the list. When you read the research he’s done of her early years, professional work, movie work, philanthropy and more, it’s hard to disagree.

She has recorded so many songs (I’ll bet you know them all from Marc’s post) and he picked this from the album for his Spotify Playlist.

He does include a picture of the actual Coat of Many Colors which I had the honour of seeing when I was in Nashville years ago.

Not Ready to Retire Yet

The title to Diana’s post made reading it a drop everything and read moment for me. I wouldn’t have thought that she was anywhere near retirement but I guess there comes a point in time for us all that we think about moving on.

For the longest time, I didn’t even know my retirement date. 

We’ve all been there. At times, it’s just so far in the future but then there’s the moment. She manages to tie it into a Boy George concert (read to find out how and why).

The concert convinced her that there are people of all ages that can contribute so much to our profession and a “date” is just a point in time that you can see and then see if it works for you.

It may or may not.

As long as she keeps blogging!

And, she’s still a young pup. There are plenty of dress-up costumes in her future.

#KindergartenBioblitz September 12-16, 2022

You might want to put this event in your calendar or pass it along to colleagues in your school. #KindergartenBioBlitz

I had to smile at the story of skunks versus kangaroos comparison! Of course, it makes sense but to see it written in a blog post just made me smile. Kudos to Rob for developing a local initiative and seeing the results go world-wide.

I invite you to join us September 12th to September 16th for another version. Here is a great Stellar story on how to participate in #KindergartenBioBlitz if you are new to the project.

Please take some time this weekend to click through and enjoy these posts. There is some wonderful inspiration here. If you’re a blogger and I don’t know about your work, please reach out. I’d love to hear from you and read your blog.

And then, follow these terrific educators on Twitter.

  • Marie Snyder – @MarieSnyder27
  • Albert Fong – @albertfong
  • Lisa Corbett – @LisaCorbett0261
  • Aviva Dunsiger – @avivaloca
  • Marc Hodgkinson – @Mr_H_Teacher
  • Diana Maliszewski – @MzMollyTL
  • Rob Ridley – @RangerRidley

This Week in Ontario Edublogs

2 responses to “This Week in Ontario Edublogs”

  1. Thanks for including my post in here! I always love hearing your perspective and Stephen and you gave me more to think about as I listened to the show. I kind of loved the later time this week and the opportunity to tune in live. Thanks, as always, for connecting so many of us each week!


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  2. […] Friday – This Week in Ontario Edublogs […]


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