doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Places to explore in VR

VR – Virtual Reality

For a long time, the concept of Virtual Reality has been touted as the next big thing in education. The concept of exploring virtual worlds from your computer screen bring another promise of technology to the end user.

It’s an exciting concept and there are so many things that are available but I’m not seeing it completely accepted everywhere. It requires a good internet connection, places to explore, and for the best results, an appropriate headset.

Those that meet the requirements are good to go and are ready to take on this next frontier. Others are still wondering…

So, where to go?

Matterport is a great place to start and explore.

The claim is that there are over 300,000+ places to explore. So, when you land there (even without the gear), there should be something for everyone. You can wade your way through the collection or they’re nicely categorized to make finding something interesting and relevant.

And, there’s a category for Education!

The “worlds” are open to explore but I found the maps where really helpful to make sure that I didn’t miss anything!

Pretend City Children’s Museum

Carl Zeiss Planetarium

These are fascinating worlds.

Have you explored Virtual Reality? Can you share your experiences?

3 responses to “Places to explore in VR”

  1. […] Places to explore in VR – doug — off the record […]


  2. […] Tuesday – Places to explore in VR […]


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