doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

A wild walk

Jaimie was bored and wanted to take a walk so we thought strolling along Colchester Beach might be nice. While he was good to go, we bundled up because we could hear the wind whistling outside.

It really was windy, even to the point that it was a challenge to keep the Jeep on the road at times. But we made it and headed down the hill to check things out.

The first challenge was opening the doors when we got there. It was such a strong breeze. Then, even though we were walking down a hill, we felt like we were being pushed back. The sand was blowing hard in our face. The things we do for our dogs.

Even though my fingers froze almost immediately and I had to chase my mittens across the parking lot, I got some nice pictures and a couple of videos that weren’t all that shaky.

The waves came roaring through the break used for boats coming into the harbour

Lots of action coming in on the beach

Looking out on the pier. Water was splashing over it and it was solid ice

From the top of the hill looking out on the waves

And a couple of videos; I’m impressed that my frozen hands could hold the camera steady

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