doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

The toys are back in town

I’m a big fan of customization and I’ve always played around with Power Toys for Windows. Just to do stuff.

With Windows 10, the toys went away but there are a lot of other customizations that can be done right in Windows.

But now the Power Toys are making a return.

Granted, it’s a very early beta (Version 0.11.0) when I downloaded it but it was invigorating just to see what else can be done with Windows through the eyes of people that want more than just stock.

I grabbed it and the first toy is Fancy Zones. The concept is to make working with multiple windows more productive. Now, when I’m working normally, I have an external monitor to host a window but being able to have multiple windows on the main screen of my laptop is intriguing. Plus look at all the layouts that are available.

And, they’re all customizable. If nothing else, it was fun to play around with. Who says working on a computer can’t be fun? A detailed discussion of this toy can be found here.

Today’s wider screen monitors do have a lot of whitespace with our traditional applications that were designed for smaller screens. Why not put this extra space to work? And save a bunch of alt-tabbing in the process.

3 responses to “The toys are back in town”

  1. Windows Power Tools!

    I remember those from back in the 90s. They certainly added features that were useful yet for some reason not part of the official release Windows experience. As I recall, they were experimental features under consideration, weren’t they? —kind of like a pre-google release/assess/review/revise approach to feature implementation? I especially remember using TweakUI to customize my Windows experience.

    It will be interesting to see what comes out of this. Letting folks add third party features through hooks to the system was always one of my reasons for enjoying the MacOS back in the System 7, 8, and 9 days —- and back in the days of windows 95 and Power Tools.


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