doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Make your own

I’ve been doing a bit of tweaking of the way my browser looks recently and sharing them here on this blog. In the past, I’ve played around with Google offered themes and the Chinese Zodiac ones.

Yesterday, I had the laptop out on the patio enjoying the warm spring (finally) weather and decided to create my own. That’s where I learned about the Chrome Theme Creator.

At 1.1 million themes already created at this site, I was definitely late to this party!

As a visitor, there are two options.

One is to download someone else’s work and install it as the theme for your browser. You can find something that comes close and then look to related themes or use the hashtags for each theme to find similarly tagged themes.

The second is to create your own. And, with the onscreen editor, it’s simple.

Just work your way through the four steps and you too can be a designer.

Now, I supposed if you were artistically inclined, it would be easy. For people who are challenged in this area like me, it sounds easier than it is. It’s not that it’s not easy to do – it actually is. It’s just finding colours that work well together.

One response to “Make your own”

  1. I hardly ever make customizations to standard tools. I think it stems from my early days doing onsite technical support at a wife variety of customer sites. When using computers at some random company I could not often bring my own software and was totally dependent on what ever the operating system supported natively. Lowest common denominator as it were. So I learned not to be dependent on customizations.

    This changed somewhat over the years and when I was doing software development I customized editors a lot but few other tools. In general though I modify tools based on need and appearance seldom jumps up to a priority. I guess I’m boring.

    Liked by 1 person

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