doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

A framework for success

Unless you’ve had your computer turned off for the past few years, you know that one of the bigger movements in Computer Studies has been the Hour of Code.  It has inspired teachers of all grades and particularly, of the younger student, to get their feet wet with coding. 

Coding applications have been written and made available for anyone wishing to code no matter what devices are available to them.  People like me have made collections of the resources that are available.  I’ll admit; it’s been tough to keep up.  There are so many good applications and so many educators are writing about the successes and inspiration that their students have had working through the various Hour of Code activities.  I’ll confess to doing them myself as well.

Then, it’s over.

Best. Hour. Ever.

A good description I’ve heard about the process is that it’s like a good field trip.  It’s highly motivational and exciting but you return the next day to the regular routine.  There might be a bit of a followup but that’s about it. 

Computer Science is a discipline and not just an hour of educational time.  Many teachers ask the important question – what’s next?

A collaboration by professional Computer Science organizations are working to answer that question.  This week, they’ve released a review copy of their Framework for K-12 Computer Science Education.  You’re invited to take a look and comment on the work in process.  It’s available here.

To reinforce the notion that Computer Science is a continuum, each “Practice” ends with a curriculum expectation for the Grade 12 student.

But don’t fret.  You don’t start with Grade 12 and work backwards.  A suggested progression is presented by division.

As with any curriculum, this isn’t a quick read and by asking for feedback, it’s acknowledged that the document isn’t final yet.  I would encourage anyone who has tried or even considered the Hour of Code to preview the document and provide feedback to the writing team if you’re so inspired.

This review period was kicked off this past Friday and recorded via YouTube.

It looks like we’re well along the way to answering the question “What’s Next?”


Please share your thoughts here. I’d enjoy reading them.

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