doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Making a list

A big shoutout to Doug Belshaw with this reference in his weekly newsletter.  The Wikipedia now allows you to create a playlist of resources found within its collection.  His example from the article was a playlist about New Literacies and you can check it out here.

Now, there was a time when Wikipedia was a four letter word but it’s matured into a self-curated system that has respect within education.  In fact, there’s so much respect in the online community that many search engines return the Wikipedia reference as the first result when you do a search.

So, I decided to make my own list.  What to do?  What to do?

You can’t drive around Essex County these days for very long before you see an advertisement for Kindergarten Registration.  This week is the big event for the little ones and their parents.  There’s my motivation!  I decided to create a playlist of the publicly funded options for parents.

It was a pretty simple process. 

Just start a new Wikilist, give it a title and a descriptor, search for articles within the Wikipedia, and add them to the list.  A partial search returns suggestions as you would expect.  Oh, and change the header colour to green of course.

The result?  You can check it out here –

The list is nicely formatted, with an image from the resource and a direct link to the corresponding Wikipedia article.

The starting point, including some examples to other Wikilists can be found here.

In the classroom, the use is so obvious.  There are all kinds of ways to curate lists – why not make a Wikilist of your own for topics to share with others.  Of course, you’re encouraged to share your list here in the comments.

5 responses to “Making a list”

  1. Doug, this is a very interesting post! I love your idea for classroom use. Your comment that really got me thinking though was when you said that Wikipedia “has respect within education.” I know many teachers that will not let their students use it as a reference. You make a good point about why this reference has value. I’m curious to know what other teachers think and what they do.


    P.S. When I taught Grades 5 and 6, I usually let my students use Wikipedia, but just not as the only reference. It’s always good to consult different resources.


  2. I agree, and I think that applies for any resource, Aviva. How many times have we found that authoritative sources have to update themselves to stay accurate? What I like about the Wikipedia is that it is the current voice on any topic and the articles typically point to additional resources which lead for more details and further search. It’s a reminder that no single source has all the answers.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love your reply, Doug! I think you make a great point about the value in Wikipedia, and I’d be very curious to hear what others have to say about this. With lots of talk about inquiry, resources are often discussed, and Wikipedia is usually part of the discussion. Critically considering the pros and cons is really important.



  4. I initially got excited about this idea, but now I’m not sure what advantages it has over a simple list of links. Am I missing something?


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