doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

London-ish’s Edu-Royalty

On Saturday, I have every intention of attending EdCampLondon.  Last night, I was poking around with Google Maps to try to determine out how long it was going to take to get there.  I’m excited that the event will be held in a new school – I like seeing what new elements of innovation go into new constructions; I just wish it was closer to the 401!  I’ve taken that long drive on Wonderland Road once and vowed never again!  Perhaps any Londoners reading this could suggest an alternative.


As I was thinking about this, I was reminded of the wonderful connections that I’ve had with educational folks in Thames Valley and London Catholic districts.  In fact, I’ve interviewed quite a few on this blog!

And, there are two more “in process” that will appear on this blog at some point.  Not to slight anyone who was ever interviewed – the complete list appears here.

Will you be there?


3 responses to “London-ish’s Edu-Royalty”

  1. I’ll be there! Will be great to see you!


  2. Andrew Forgrave Avatar
    Andrew Forgrave

    Aha! Yes, I will be there!


  3. Weather permitting, I’ll be pulling taps in the sugar bush on Saturday! Have a great time. I need to come back to London sometime to visit. Spent age 3-18 there, and don’t get back often enough. Hope there are some Tecumseh PS and South SS teachers there expanding their learning. They were often ahead of the curve “back in the day”

    Liked by 1 person

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