doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Whatever happened to …

… Easter Eggs?

It was an annual event at our house.  My mom would boil the eggs (my brother and I weren’t allowed to) and then we’d get one of those dipping packages from the store to make our eggs.  I remember that they came with a little metallic egg holder so that you could dig them into this warm pan of colouring and basically you’d end up with one end coloured one colour and the other another colour.  There was a science lesson in there when the two colours collided in the middle.

We made quite a few of these in a sitting and, fortunately, my dad liked eating hard boiled eggs.  Nobody else in the family did, although bizarrely we liked egg salad sandwiches.  Go figure.

But the real highlight was going through the house looking for hidden chocolate eggs.  Hopefully, you remember the types – nicely wrapped in very thin brightly coloured tin foil.  There always one big chocolate rabbit or chicken for my brother and I.  It happened every year and then it was off to Sunday church service on a sugar high.

There did come a time when we stopped making the hard boiled eggs and went straight to the chocolate.  At recent trips to Sobey, Walmart, and the dollar store, it was impossible to find egg dipping kits.  (I’ll confess to not looking at all hard).  My wife, this year, found a “recipe” on Facebook that involved vinegar, Cool Whip, and food colouring.  But Cool Whip isn’t the only solution – on Channel 4 from Detroit last week, there was story about using shaving cream instead.   Their advice was to use the real shaving cream instead of “shaving cream gel”.  Their advice, not mine.  Either way, the results are psychodelic coloured eggs.  Cute, but I see a lot of egg peeling and eating in my future.  We’re branching out in a new direction around here this year hiding coins in plastic eggs in addition to the chocolate (advice from a friend)

Around here, if you’re not into any of the above, there are community based egg hunting events, including one for dogs that only costs $10.  (Would he even know?)

For a Sunday, what are your thoughts about Easter Eggs?

  • Do you celebrate Easter?
  • If you don’t celebrate Easter, do you celebrate the sugary part of it?
  • What kind of egg dying memories do you have?
  • Do you still do the traditional egg or do you go straight to the chocolate?
  • White chocolate or milk chocolate or dark chocolate?
  • Do you have rules about how high from the floor or in what rooms the eggs are hidden?
  • How do you explain how the Easter bunny got into your house?  The same way Santa did?
  • Have you ever hidden chocolate eggs for an Easter egg hunt only to find them days later ungathered?
  • How many times did my computer identify “colour” as a spelling mistake?

Do ahead and have some fun with this.  I’d love to read your responses.

This is part of a regular Sunday series and all the posts are available here.  If you have an idea for a post, please leave it in the Whatever Happened to … Padlet with my thanks.

9 responses to “Whatever happened to …”

  1. Andrew Forgrave Avatar
    Andrew Forgrave

    Easter Eggs!

    So Ryan and I just got back from seeing “Ready Player One,” which revolves around the challenge of finding the game designer’s “easter egg” within his massive multiplayer game. The movie, by Spielberg, is very well done, it is filled with pop culture references like Batman, Pokémon, HALO, Star Wars, Buckaroo Banzai, Pac-Man, Space Invaders, the Iron Giant, Saturday Night Fever — they really make the movie!

    On the way out to the car, I ate a Reese’s Peanut Butter chocolate egg, And in the car on the way to the theater, Ryan shared his excitement at finding 40 odd chocolate Lindor eggs scattered around the living room.

    After the film, we stopped off to get some groceries, and I pointed out those old-fashioned egg dying kits from our childhood that have the little dye pills, the thin wire egg holder dipper, and the punch-out circles in the back of the box that you set the eggs in while they’re drying.

    Happy Easter Doug!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. David Garlick Avatar
    David Garlick

    I married into a family that’s had a long standing tradition of baking the Easter bread, little tied knots of yeast bread, on Good Friday, along with boiling a bunch of eggs in onion skins until they’re a beautiful brown. We’ve tried boiling them with spinach for green and beets for pink, but we’ve always returned to the onion skins.

    With regard to the Easter bread, the process begins at 6:00. It requires several separate risings through multiple stages, with the first “birdies,” they’re called, coming out of the oven shortly after 11:00.

    All that’s ‘allowed’ for lunch that day is coffee, the birdies, popcorn, and hard-boiled brown eggs. I’ve never come across another family with the same tradition, but after 30 years I wouldn’t trade it for any other.

    (I do wish someone could explain the significance of the popcorn though.)

    Like many other families we go out for fish dinner in the evening, but we have no traditional spot to go. Over the years it’s been just about every fish and chip place you can think of. (This year it was the Serbian Centre, who win for the best cole slaw in Windsor!)

    Easter itself is a bit lower key. Friends and family over for dinner.

    Happy Easter Doug!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. When we were kids, mom would poke a hole in ends of the raw eggs with a darning needle and then we had to blow all the egg ‘guts’ out into a bowl before dying the eggs. She would use the eggs for cooking scrambled eggs for breakfast for all of us. I can remember how hard it was to empty all the eggs and my brother and I would complain that we were going to ‘blow our brains out.’

    I have two brothers – one is 2 years younger than me and one 7 years younger. To make the egg hunt fair, mom would hide the chocolate eggs in bunches of three and when you found one, you had to put one in each person’s basket.

    Growing up my girls coloured eggs every year but we only hid the chocolate eggs. I put them in those plastic eggs so if one did get missed, it didn’t melt on the carpet and the cat didn’t find it and try to eat it. We also hid coins in some of the eggs and I think the girls liked those ones better than the chocolates. Then, like you, it was off to church and then family dinner with all the cousins. When they were little, they would use the plastic eggs and the baskets and play ‘egg hunt’ for days after Easter. One of them would hide the eggs, then the other would have to run around the house to find them. Great memories!

    Each year I host Easter dinner for my extended family. Not everyone can make it – three of my nieces and my brother have to work. This will be our first time hosting in our smaller home, so it’s going to be cozy.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I find this post so interesting, as there were a massive number of Kindergarten teachers that I know (and/or saw online) that dyed Easter eggs with their class. Is this because the tradition is still alive and well in some way or are educators pulling from their own childhood experiences? I always wondered about celebrating Easter at school with students, especially when teaching many students that don’t celebrate it at home, but when the celebration of Easter is all around bunnies and chocolate eggs, does it actually have more of a secular holiday component? I’ve taught many children now that don’t celebrate Easter, but still look to draw the bunnies and eat the chocolate. The same is almost true when it comes to Santa and the elves. Are schools changing holidays, and is this a good thing? (I haven’t done a very good job at answering any of your questions, but you made me think of some of my own. Thanks Doug!) Happy Easter!


    Liked by 2 people

  5. Aviva,
    My teaching partner and I used to do ‘a theme’, back when themes were a thing in kindergarten, around EGGS at Easter time. We did different experiments with eggs each day – how many books can we stack on a raw egg before it breaks, what happens when you soak an egg in vinegar, sinking and floating eggs, spinning eggs (raw eggs wobble, hard cooked eggs spin) and so on. We read lots of books about animals that hatch from eggs. My favourite was always “Chickens aren’t the only ones” by Ruth Heller. Like you, many of our children didn’t celebrate Easter but they were seeing eggs and bunnies everywhere in stores and on TV.

    And Doug, your post inspired an Easter memory post of my own:

    Liked by 3 people

  6. A few days later? ….we’d often find some months later in some very crafty egg hiding spots! Happy Easter, Doug!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. In my childhood, it was just the treats (and sometimes also a new shirt or socks) in the basket left by the Easter Bunny and a big dinner on Sunday. I didn’t feel too much was missing because we didn’t do egg hunts (we had a cat too). We did a few hunts with our own children, but the basket of surprises was the big hit. And for my kids… Easter and Christmas were the only two times of the year we let them eat chocolate and sugar before breakfast 🙂 Oh, always milk or dark chocolate. White chocolate just doesn’t cut it in our household!

    We had -22 wind chill last night — I hope the Easter Bunny had a warm snowsuit! No joke!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Has anyone made Ukrainian Easter eggs? Here’s a challenge!:

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Anyone who’s looked at my Twitter profile knows I have an egg thing going on. I’m German-Ukrainian (volksdeutsch) on my dad’s side, so I grew up with Easter bread (paschka) baked in coffee cans by my great-grandmother, and eggs galore. Beautiful hand-made pysanky with real eggs, as well as wooden ones (which are much better when you’re small). And yes, the onion skin- dyed brown ones, as well as beautiful pinky-purples from beets.

    One tradition I grew up with was the egg-cracking competition (again, liking hard-boiled eggs or egg salad is a prerequisite). Two people would each choose an egg, and hold in in their fist. One person would rap their egg on the top of the other person’s egg. Winner was the one that didn’t crack. I frustrated the heck out of my grandfather one year when I brought a ringer – it was a stone egg….

    I have done LOTS of egg colouring over the years, with students and my own kids. My favourite methods are food colouring with a bit of oil added for marbling and shine, and the silk tie method, which intermediate students tend to love.

    Here’s the edited collection of eggs from over the years (we are dispensing with one china cabinet). Blue and green from the boys’ colouring years, a paisley tie egg, one (broken) traditional pysanky and some wooden ones.

    Liked by 2 people

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