doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Know your Google

I hope that everyone is enjoying their break from the classroom.  Hopefully, there was something nice under the tree for you for Christmas or you took advantage of after Christmas sales to buy yourself something nice.  

Any chance that you were treated to a new computer either way?

If it’s a Chromebook or anything capable of running a browser, I’ll bet you’re just itching to expand your computing expertise.

What better way than to explore all that Google has for you.

Chances are, you have a pretty good understanding of what’s possible but do you know everything?

If your answer to that question is a bit iffy, then you need to check out Peter Beens’ big list of everything Google/Alphabet from A-Z.

For him, this has been a labour of love curating everything and he makes it freely and openly available on the web.

Everything is in alphabetical order but so start at the top and see what all is available.  What I find humbling is going through the list; the resources that I do use are in purple indicating that I’ve visited the resource.  I’ll confess; my blue links far outweigh my purple links!

The document is available here.

Please share your thoughts here. I’d enjoy reading them.

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