doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Where in the world …

… is lightning striking?

It’s been a really strange summer here in Essex County.  In a normal summer, the day starts warm, proceeds to hot and humid during the afternoon, unbearable after supper watching the kids play baseball, and then a thunderstorm cuts loose to either cool things off or make it even more humid.

I know, it’s an over generalization but I thought that it might be a nice lead into this story.  

According to my weather app, we should be getting a storm tonight.

But, I want to know where it’s storming now.  Of course, we could turn to any of the mapping programs on the web and turn on satellite imagery and get an idea.  What if you want to know just where lightning is hitting – RIGHT NOW.

Then head to Blitzortung.

Right now, it’s 6:45am on Friday morning and worldwide, here’s what’s happening.

and, closer to home, let’s select North America and zero in around home.

Looking good, Ontario.  But look what is sitting over Minnesota/Wisconsin and could be headed our way.

Of course, you don’t know for sure and just take the website’s word for it that it’s accurate.  Details here.

However, it’s still going to be nice to verify the accuracy come the next storm.  In the meantime, it’s just one of those fascinating things.

Oh, did I mention that you should turn up your speakers to hear the hits?

3 responses to “Where in the world …”

  1. This is so awesome, Doug! I love how many things I learn from you. I also liked the name of the tool, which is “Lightning Locating” in German : )

    Sorry it is still so hot and humid there. I hope it cools off soon. It has been similar here too, not as hot but too warm for this time of year in Switzerland.

    Roll on winter, I say : )

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the kind comment, Vicky. If you go to the root of the website, you’ll see that it actually is in German as are the developers. I made the move to link to the English site because my knowledge of German is pretty much non-existent!


  3. That’s very cool, Doug. Did you try turning on the “Detectors” feature? It’s amazing to see how far away the sensors are that detect the lightning.


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