doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Skills … and then more skills

Lifehacker yesterday shared a story where they quote and reference an article from “former Stanford dean and author Julie Lythcott-Haims” about eight skills that you should have by the time that you’re eighteen.  There’s got to be a sketchnote in there, Sylvia.

I looked up and down the list and found it difficult to argue with the points.

The original list came from a Quora post “What are the skills every 18-year-old needs?”

I’ll admit clicking through to the Quora post is interesting because it’s here that she really fleshes out her thoughts on the skills.  It’s part of a book that she wrote.  The skills are important and would make for a great poster in every secondary school classroom.  Maybe even a modified word wall?  You know how to create one if you read this post.  “Interactive Word Walls

I shared it and plunked it away in my Readings Flipboard and then moved on to the next article in my early morning reading.  My work here is done.

Not so quick, Mr. Reader.

I got a challenge.  iCoder1978 had his hand up.

I’ll confess; I don’t typically go into the comments section with the same enthusiasm that I do with the original article.  Often, when I do, it’s just for the entertainment value of anonymous posters going on about something completely off the wall.  Sadly, there are times when spammers get in and try to sell things so it’s not necessarily a regular part of my reading routine.

In this case, I guess I should have.

In addition to the eight in the article, there are so many other good ideas that reinforce how difficult it is to be a parent or an educator.  Here I cherry picked another eight from the comment section.

  1. Hear an opinion or worldview different from your own, and actually listen to it without interrupting or losing your damn mind
  2. Assess a casualty and perform basic first aid
  3. Learn how to spell/use proper grammar in written business or professional communications
  4. Create passwords stronger than “123456″
  5. Have knowledge of human reproduction and contraceptives as well as emergency contraceptives
  6. Change a car tire
  7. Forgive and move on
  8. Understand and utilize the core elements of good table manners

And a bonus …

  1. know how credit cards and loans work.

I stand redirected.  In this case, there are considerable bits of wisdom in the comments. 

There’s just an incredible wealth of information and advice between the original article and the comments.  If I’m doing a lesson on Life Skills or Guidance, I think I would be tempted to introduce the article to the class and then break up into small groups to analyse the skills and comments.

Just be warned – the internet commenters didn’t disappoint – there is some advice/comment that’s a little less than helpful.

So, a tip of the cap to Jangal Nara for directing me to the comments.  It was well worth revisiting for the comments.

One response to “Skills … and then more skills”

  1. Sharing with my students!

    Liked by 1 person

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