doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

I missed a bit of a milestone…

… for this blog anyway.

I hadn’t noticed it until I did some maintenance today.  The URL to my Friday post “This Week in Ontario Edublogs” was:

Check out the “200” at the end of the address.

This is WordPress’ way of saying that I’ve used the title 200 times.  It automatically differentiates posts by sticking a number on to the end of duplicates.  So, I’ve used the title “This Week in Ontario Edublogs” quite a few times.

What a testament to the amazing thinking and sharing coming from the keyboards of Ontario Educational Bloggers!

I guess that it started a long time ago – I thought that it would be an interesting way for me to amplify the thoughts of folks throughout the province – and it’s been a mainstay for Friday mornings around here.  I think it nicely honours the efforts of others and helps promote their great ideas.  The fact that I’m able to do this on a weekly basis speaks volumes for folks who are using this type of forum.

Now for a little truth in numbers.  The number of TWIOE posts is actually more than that.  Stick with me.

Unlike most blog posts which I sketch out in a mind map or in Evernote and do in one sitting, this particular post can take up to a week to complete.  As I see a new post from an Ontario blogger that I’d like to include, I’ll add it to a new blog post, schedule it for the upcoming Friday, and save it.  It truly is a post that can take a week to compose.  But, I’ve been known to mess up more than once around here!  The duplicate numbering convention only works when the title is an exact duplicate of one that’s already saved.  If I don’t give it the title, WordPress will generate one for me – as a title with a number.  I do know that I’ve messed up a few times so while there are exactly 200 posts with the duplicate convention, there are a few more that aren’t.  The complete number of posts is actually more than 200.  How many flubs I’ve made, I have no idea and no inclination to count them.

I can tell you that you can check out the posts in the hamburger menu above or by clicking here.

I’ll stick to the celebration of 200 posts.  However you count it, that’s a lot of Ontario blogging and I’m proud to be a part of it.

I know that my little collection is just a part of the big picture.  I do my best to keep track in both a Livebinder and a Scoopit page.  I’m always looking for new blogs to add to the collection.  There’s a Google form sitting on the Livebinder page just waiting for new blogs to be added.  If you’re from Ontario and would like your blog added, please go ahead and do so.

The more the merrier.  On to the next 200.

5 responses to “I missed a bit of a milestone…”

  1. That’s wonderful, Doug mou! Happy 200 and what a coincidence – my blog got to 200 a few days ago as well : )

    Your blog is my absolute favourite – I wish you the very best and hundreds more posts!

    Happy Easter,


  2. But mine is a total of 200 posts – you have literally thousands : )


  3. Thank you for the kind comment, Vicky. We all have our obsessions! Sincere congratulations on your milestone.


  4. Congratulations on your milestone, Doug! You connect thousands of educators each week thanks to just these Friday posts (I’m sure). These are my favourite weekly posts, and I always spend time exploring the posts you highlight. Thanks for all you do for Ontario education. You help all of us read, think, and learn more, and for that, I am very grateful! Here’s to 200 more!



  5. Thank you Aviva. You are a significant part of this. I often make reference to your excellent posts and inquiries and I can always count on your to help promote the post.


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