doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

A sad piece of news

I woke this morning and checked my email and received a sad piece of news.

One of the things that I benefit most from social media is being able to learn from other people and hopefully become better myself. While I consider my learned from people globally, I have a special place in my learning from awesome Ontario Educators.

If you follow my Twitter feed, you know that there is a group of messages like this one.

I have eight Twitter lists for Ontario Educators as I find them and one for Subject Organizations

For years now, I’ve used to produce a daily summary tweet of messages from each of these areas.

It’s a quick and dirty way to see what’s going on and doing some additional reading.

The message this morning indicates that will be shutting down on April 20. You can read the entire message at:

I’m going to miss this service. For my purposes, it was a utility that allowed me to stay on top of the good things that others shared on social media.

I wish them all the best going forward.

My social media feed will definitely be quieter and I’ll have to look elsewhere for my daily shot of learning.

4 responses to “A sad piece of news”

  1. Wow..another one. Hope the adjustment and an alternative works out okay for you.


  2. […] A sad piece of news – doug — off the record […]


  3. I wonder if it has anything to do with Twitter raising their API prices. My guess is it’s a major factor.


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