doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

That storm

I’m taking a break between sessions of chopping up branches that fell in our yard during that big storm. On the day after, Jaimie and I went for a walk (and took a bunch of pictures – see below) and I was feeling pretty good. We seemed to have been spared.

Or so I thought.

We only looked at the north side of the house. The south side was where all the action was. Despite all the branches that came down, that large poplar tree out back in the neighbour’s yard remained untouched. Why couldn’t it have come down?

Anyway, this is what we saw.

This is actually a landmark we give when identifying the house. I was worried that we might lose it but when things warmed up, the ice went away and the tree sprung back to normal.

What I would consider my best picture of the lot and it’s now my Facebook background image. This is a bush out front covered in ice. On the news, they were talking about how much weight hydro wires accumulate when covered. I can believe it.

This is what went missing at first. This used to be a big lilac tree. Only a fraction remains and I’m going to dig it up. It had got out of hand.

A neighbour lost a large limb and all kinds of branches.

Despite the damage, there really is something beautiful of a tree covered in ice.

This was out view on the way home. Those hydro poles on the right are the new ones to replace the ones that previously got blown down. On the left is the internet fibre that brings you this blog.

These trees were just drooping so badly.

Bus drivers turned around and went home.

Another beautiful tree.

Another neighbour got a bunch knocked down.

This is actually a small shrub in the summer.

A whole orchard.

The weight of the ice certainly changes the way branches appear.

We were hoping that the weight wouldn’t knock out our internet!

Even the chain link around the playground at the school was icicled (if there is such a word).

As it turns out, we got off lightly.

My son and daughter were without electricity and internet for the day. We became a second home for the day. That home came with meals.

Later in the afternoon, my daughter and I drove out to her place to see if she had electricity back. Sadly, the answer was no. The hydro line still had a huge branch leaning on it and it would need some serious work before it goes back on.

Hopefully, we’re done with this type of weather for the winter.

One response to “That storm”

  1. You have created a beautiful picture memory of this storm. Our ice comes on top of a lot of snow. It makes for some interesting walking, as you are almost skating on the snow. My puppy is even slipping along as she walks. Can we all get some ice skates for walking right now? What about that groundhog who called for an early spring? 🙂


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