doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Historic planning

Just in time for summer vacations, it’s worth taking a look at

Previously, I had blogged about Ghost Towns. The sites pair nicely if you’re doing some planning or research for places to go, things to see.

Even if you’re not a history buff by trade, wouldn’t you just hate visiting a destination, talk about it when you get home with friends, and they ask you about this or that. It’s kind of embarrassing to have to say that we didn’t see it.

And if you’re not ready to be out and about vacationing because of the chances of catching something, this is also perfect for staycations.

For giggles, I checked out our community.

It felt good to see that the Navy Yard Park and its historic relevance was number one. It gets visited here almost daily! I guess, unsurprisingly, that so many of them are the old historic churches that you run across while driving around town. They’ve been preserved and are still in operation but the more modern United Church was torn down a few years ago.

The sites listed extend a bit beyond our town borders into Windsor where Willistead Manor and the Duff-Baby House are definitely worth checking out.

Sadly, I appeared to break the search engine periodically when poking around. I don’t know if there’s a problem or maybe too many people searching at the same time.

This was a nice diversion for me. I just kept typing in random towns and cities that I know and browsing the results. There are so many places that I haven’t visited ever and others for a long time. At least two years…

I’m getting the urge to take a road trip!

3 responses to “Historic planning”

  1. Good morning Doug!

    For those who may be looking at road trips for the summer, perhaps the following two sites may be of interest:


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