doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts


Followers of mine know that I’ve likely to share new and interesting things that I’m reading.

On any of the Chromium based browsers, one of the first extensions that I add is Shareaholic. It has access to just about anywhere that I want to share things. (and I might share to unique places just for my own purpose)

Now, I know that most services have links on their site for sharing. The problem with that is actually finding them. There’s no standard for placement on a page. Sometimes what looks like a sharing button actually ends up being a link to the site’s actual social media presence. It can be frustrating and time consuming finding the right link.

And there was a time when Shareaholic was also available for Firefox which made for one big happy collector. Then, at some point, it went away from the Firefox add-on. There are still links available on the internet but they’re broken.

I’ve searched and searched and searched.

Over the weekend, I took a dive into the Firefox add-on collection and did something that I should have done a long time ago. I didn’t search for Shareaholic. I just searched for “share”.

And, a huge collection of things appeared. As I poked about, one really caught my attention. – AddToAny

I knew I was in the right place when I found all of its supported places to share. There are plenty of places I didn’t know existed!

With a recent update in March of this year, it appears to be well supported. It is free and also doesn’t require an account to use.

I’m looking forward to giving it a thorough testing.

One response to “Sharing”

  1. […] Sharing – doug — off the record […]


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