doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Similarities and Differences

Wouldn’t the world be boring if we were all the same?

It would be very antagonistic if we were all different and at each other’s throats all the time.

For the most part, I think that we’re just a bit of this and a bit of that and it’s the similarities and differences that help us make the original connections and then to help push each other to greater things.

All of this falls out from a post last week “Starting or reflecting on a blog“.

Whenever I get feedback on things like this, I really enjoy it.  After all, a personal blog is, well, a pretty personal thing.  It’s not like I have an army of proofreaders or people to brainstorm thoughts with.  As I type this, I’m sitting in my chair all alone making it up and listening to music.  “Life’s Been Good” by Joe Walsh is playing on the television and I keep looking out the window for inspiration and the sun to rise.

The first bit of feedback that I got on the post was actual by way of reply from Brandon Grasley.  His insight was something I hadn’t thought of.  He noted that throughout the “assumption” was that success was related to numbers – of readers.  I missed that completely.  I don’t sell anything on the blog so I’ve never thought of numbers as a reason to blog but, the more I think about it, I guess it is important.  While I don’t do it regularly, I do check the analytics every now and again to see if anyone actually drops by and reads the post.  So, unconsciously, I guess numbers do matter.  Great observation.

The second observation came from a blog post that spun off my original post from Aviva Dunsiger.  “My Blog Reflections … What About Yours?“.  I felt a blogging partnership when she indicated how the scope of her blog has changed over the years.

When I started blogging back in 2009, my blog was largely about technology use in the classroom. Then I slowly started to change to classroom practices. After that, my blogging evolved to reflections on big ideas in education. Now my blog is more of a personal/professional reflection tool.

Recently, she seems to be on a roll with her thoughts about self-regulation which I find interesting.  I’d never delved consciously into that area; my comments were more likely to be “Get a Grip”.  I’m totally supportive of her niche – parking – maybe if more people paid attention, it would be easier for the rest of us to find a parking spot.

Thirdly, Jennifer Aston chimed in.  “Thoughts on “Starting or reflecting on a blog” by Doug Peterson

A lot of what he said resonated with me.  And some of it, I don’t disagree with, but I think is just different for me.

Say what?  How can anyone not totally agree with me?  Is that the teacher in me talking?

That inspired me to really dig in and find out where we disagree because she’s probably right.  I’m always on the road to self-improvement.  There’s something powerful when that happens.

But the best part was that she took the 10 points in my original post and added three of her own.

11.  Complaining can be boring.

12.  Be mindful that students or people you work with might read what you write.

13.  Have a sense of humour, be personable and human.

All of these continue the conversation nicely.

Diana Maliszewski got into the action with a reflection of her own blog and blogging habits.  “Effective Facilitating and Blogging“.  There’s so much good to read there.

What really spiked my interest was part of her comment for point #6.

I post every Monday (ergo the title of the blog, Monday Molly Musings), even when I think the stuff that I’ve written isn’t so stellar.

I think I go through this with just about every post.  And yet, if I waited until everything is absolutely perfect, I don’t know how many posts would actually make it to public view.  (Witness the spelling mistakes!)  At the same time, I don’t think that I ever mentally say to myself “that’s good enough”.  The reality lies somewhere in between.

I take consolation in reading some stories that have a “publish” date and then a “last updated” date.  Maybe that’s the new level of perfection?

Finally, a real honour.

Ann Michaelsen used the original as a link in a workshop that she will be giving.  “SETT2016 aims to be the “Meeting place for modern and innovative learning!”  The link is between Twitter and Revolvermaps.  Not a bad place to be.

One of the things that they teach you in blogging school (wherever that is) is that you should conclude with a call to action for your readers.  I don’t always do that but probably should.

I’m so happy that these folks and those who shared it again on their social networks chose to do so.

Thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts and pushing me even further.  Yet again, I’m humbled with the brilliance of those who I’ve been so fortunate to have connected with.

5 responses to “Similarities and Differences”

  1. And thank you for the mention here!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the mention here, Doug! While I’ve read most of these posts and Brandon’s comment in isolation, I think they take on even more meaning when combined together. Thank you for your ongoing support of bloggers too. You bring so many of us together (an important part of your niche, I think).

    As for my recent self-regulation focus, I can thank some students that forced me (in a good way) to see things differently, and Stuart Shanker, Susan Hopkins, and The MEHRIT Centre that then helped me learn more. I would have been close to the “get a grip” response in the past. And as for parking, I’m not sure that my skill or blog posts will help solve any parking problems, but it’s nice to think that they might. 🙂



  3. So sorry about the thumbs down, Ann! I accidentally pressed it when publishing my comment. I can’t seem to correct it. I definitely second your “thank you” here.



  4. Thanks for all your work, Doug. I love the variety and honesty of your posts.
    What, no call to action today?? 🙂


    1. I think I was the victim of their calls!


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