doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

That moon!

You couldn’t turn anywhere recently without news of the “Super Moon” this week.  

There were some really great images taken by professional or otherwise really good photographers that I’m sure has permeated everyone’s news feed.  In case you missed them, here are a couple.

The imagery just blew me away.  My only wish was that they had told us what type of camera they were using and how long they had set up and waited for the moment.  How many pictures were taken to find that one good shot?

I happened to take a few pictures myself.

It was dark (I guess one advantage of turning the clocks…) and the dog and I had done our nightly tour of the King’s Navy Yard.  We had just turned at the Hosta Garden to get back to Dalhousie Street when I looked ahead.  

Wow!  The things you see when you don’t have a camera.  Now, there were times when I actually did take my camera and went on the hunt for the perfect picture.  I haven’t had much success; the weather seems to know I was coming and would cloud over.

On that night, everything was working for me.  It was a beautiful image as I looked down Murray Street and then I remembered.  I had my cell phone.  Could I take a decent image in the dark?

Here are my efforts, not edited, but as they came off the camera.

Looking up Murray Street.

A little bit further along the path.

I was two for two and feeling pretty good.  Jaimie and I continued our walk until we met a couple looking up Richmond Street taking a picture.  I stopped for a chat; recommended Murray Street and then took one of my own.

This time I zoomed just a bit.  Between that and the bright lights at the intersection, the image turned out to be a bit grainy.  

Regrets?  Probably a couple.  I wish I’d had my “real camera” so that I could play around with it to hopefully get better images. 

My learning?  I should have known better than to zoom with my phone.

But, all in all, I’m not displeased with the results.  With a phone in the camera, it’s nice to think that you had just take a picture when the inspiration hits.

And, if was still there this morning, through the mist.

Did you take any pictures of the Super Moon?  How about leaving a link to the picture so that we can all enjoy them.

One response to “That moon!”

  1. Wow! Beautiful photos. I especially like the first two!


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