doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Instant Nerd

Even someone as nerdy as me can use a bit of a hand every now and again. 

As full as my mind gets, there’s still room for more information.  (I was going to say “useless information” but that’s a slam to information everywhere)

Added to one of the start pages of my browser is now InstaNerd.  I want to be just like the opening splash on the website.  “Be smart, instantly”.

Now, whether knowing more things makes you smarter is always questionable but it sure can be interesting at times.

I’m not sure that I know exactly where I’ll apply this new found knowledge but the content and the image is now filed away somewhere.

Maybe in a board game somewhere?

3 responses to “Instant Nerd”

  1. But knowing this fact just might keep you safe if you ever take a trip to Churchill (like I keep suggesting that you and many others do… :)). If you do, I know I won’t have to worry now about you carrying meat or other tasty treats around the town with you. Others have perished doing so…
    (bet you aren’t surprised I had to comment… 🙂 )


  2. I like a good challenge, Sheila. Maybe it will happen.


  3. […] Instant Nerd | doug — off the record […]


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