doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts


OK, confession time here. Like most days these days, I’m sitting here in a pair of sleep pants, an old ratty sweatshirt, and white sports socks. It’s my custom blogging-wear. It’s also the clothes I’ll wear most of the day.

At least three times a day, I do “dress up”. It involves shedding the sleep pants and putting on a pair of blue jeans and taking the dog for a walk. I never envisioned a time where I dressed up for a dog walk. Yes, it’s come to this.

In normal times, I’d never live like this. I’d be out doing this and that, and I’d never want to be this, er, casual. Plus, I’m pretty sure that my wife would not approve.

Growing up, we had three types of clothes.

  • school clothes
  • play clothes
  • church clothes

It was really important to make sure that my brother and I were dressed in the proper ensemble for the event. It wasn’t that we were aspiring fashion models; it was the law of our household.

What was interesting about all this was the rotation of school clothes and play clothes. The rotation took place at the end of the school year when we got new school clothes. The old ones would get the rugged treatment climbing trees, playing baseball and hockey, and everything that we do. Since our school clothes were typically a bit bigger so that we could “grow into them”, they didn’t really fit well until they became play clothes.

As the dog and I were all dressed up and walking this morning (he had his good collar on), we passed the spot where a couple of kids that go to the local Catholic school would normally be waiting for their bus. Obviously, they weren’t there – heck, I hope that they’re enjoying the change of pace and sleeping in, if they want.

It’s funny the things that go through your mind when you’re walking the same path, day after day. Do white shirts, grey pants, plaid skirts, etc. ever go into clothing rotation? I’m guessing not. Who wears white shirts these days other than those required to wear them for school? The last plaid shirt I remember owning got stuffed as a scarecrow for Hallowe’en thing sitting on a lawn chair on the front steps.

So, these clothes won’t get worn out like they would in a regular world. Do they get some of their money back? After all, they were only worn for 2/3 of the school year. Are we on the cusp of a new fashion statement as to play clothes? Chances are, all the kids that would be on the bus routes that we pass every morning are sitting at home in sleep pants. I should have invested in sleep pants before they became a thing.

Jaimie’s response? “Just shut up and keep walking.”

4 responses to “Clothing”

  1. Hahaha! Jaimie’s response made me giggle. While I have not dressed up in two months, and spend most of my days in sweatshirts and jogging or pajama pants, it’s interesting to see our kids each day during our online meeting times. Many of them are excited to show off new/fun outfits. It’s like they’re getting dressed up for school — more dressed up then they would even get in our classroom, with no possible run in with paint. 🙂 I wonder if anyone else finds the same.



  2. When I worked from home some years ago I tended to stay in sleep clothing for several hours. I made sure to get dressed before my wife came home from her job though. Since starting online teaching I have made it a point to get dressed as soon as I get up. Even before breakfast. Mostly jeans and a good shirt. On school days, I wear a button down shirt but on other days it may be a shirt without a collar. I find that it really helps me get moving,

    Growing up we also had school clothing, play clothing, and Sunday clothing. School clothing seldom got turned into play clothing though. White shirts and ties were required for me most of my school years. Actually, I guess I still have all three types. My students are required to wear uniforms (sort of) and I dress similarly. So Khakis and a solid (white or blue) shirt with a tie for school. I change when I get home usually.


  3. […] Clothing – doug — off the record […]


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