doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

When Less is More

I thought this was particularly interesting.

I’m a sucker for good maps. I enjoy looking at printed maps in the walls of galleries, enjoy historical maps, and will just virtually wander around a map on my computer.  The more detail, the better.

There’s usually so much detail available that you can get lost in the looking.  Most digital mapping programs will allow you to turn layers on/off for a particular them.  In a way, it lets you quiet the noise that could be there.  After all, if you’re looking for intersections, knowing that there are x-number of convenience stores really muddies the situation.

Michael Pecirno is an environment designer and his page called “Minimal Maps” is really addicting.  Using data from the US, he paints a story of the country, one theme at a time.

This is a small section of deciduous growth around the Great Lakes.  You’ll have to visit his site to see the entirety of the US. 

The page also features maps of corn, evergreen, grass, and much more.  It has so much impact to look at a map telling just one story.

If you like that, check out the other projects on the site.  “The Air Above”, “Those of the Imagination and Life”, and “Hackable Cities” will get you started. 

Did I mention this is addictive?  I’m always humbled in the presence of artists and their works.  They see the same things that I see but see them completely differently. 

One response to “When Less is More”

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