doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

This Week in Ontario Edublogs

Welcome to another collection of great thoughts shared by Ontario Educators.

In Between The Bell

It was great to see Matthew back sharing his insights.  And, this one is so dead on.

In Matthew’s school, they use bells like so many schools do.  (Mine didn’t – the philosophy of the principal was that it was your responsibility to be there on time and that teachers dismiss classes, not a bell)

Ever observant, Matthew notes how some of the students sing on their way to class but it’s all over when they sit down and get to work.  It was a perfect definition as to what formal education is – an environment driven by expectations and by bells and you need to learn how to play by the rules.

You can be a kid outside the classroom but you need to be a student inside the classroom

So, have the kids got it right?  Why don’t teachers sing on their way to class?

Good question!

The 500 – #262 – Self-Titled Debut – Crosby, Stills & Nash

Normally, I read Marc’s blog posts about music as he counts down this list of 500 to bring back a bunch of memories and maybe a time when I sang on the way to class.

This post is completely different and Marc is incredibly open about his personal challenges with anxiety and sleeping.  He also points to a line in the “Suite:  Judy Blue Eyes” that he gets strength from.

Don’t let the past remind you of what you are not now

Stephen and I mused about songs that we felt would define us – he went with The Eagles and “Desperado”.  I chose Garth Brooks and “The Dance”.

So, yes, absolutely read Marc’s post and send him a little empathy.  But, also take the time to enjoy and think about the music.


It made so much sense to follow Matthew’s and Marc’s observations with this wonderful post from Setareh.  Yes, it’s focused on Second Language Learning but I’d suggest that the message here applies to all learning.

I know that it does for me and the three major topics make so much sense.


In particularly, I’ve always used music as my way of dealing with stress.

Now that we’re more sensitive to other cultures understanding and enjoying music is so powerful.

Job Interview Season

Kids these days start so early.  With real jobs.  I know that when I was 13 and 14, I didn’t need to develop a resume.  I worked on a farm catching chickens and turkeys, weeding fields, and picking cucumbers. I learned these skills while developing them!

Kelly’s post did have me thinking about writing my first resume where catching turkeys in the middle of the night with red lights on in the barn was such a desirable skill!  I probably had more skills and Kelly identifies some that her students would have had already through their volunteer work.  It’s an interesting list.

But, then, writing that resume and being interviewed for a job at the school by a number of teacher just puts it over the top.  I can imagine being in that position; I would have been so nervous and probably flunk out on the interview but kids today have so much more presence than I would have had at that age.

Great post and the concept is easily replicable to your school.

Oysters are clamming up

Normally, I read Doug’s posts to get a smile and an appreciation for his writing style.  This time, I actually learned something.

You see, I’m allergic to shellfish.  I found out in a hotel in London when we were preparing for an RCAC Symposium.  One of our committee members loved shrimp and so we bought one of those shrimp rings and I tasted shrimp for the first time.  I didn’t realize until I woke up the next morning and could barely see through swollen eyes that I was allergic.

I’ve never eaten oysters and probably never will.  I found this article in my research – yes I do research because Doug fact checks the show – and it indicated that there are two types of shellfish and you might not be allergic to all.

I’m just not going to try though.  I also learned a new word through this post – Vibriosis

It’s interesting how something written with his satirical style turned into a learning moment.

Epic Play. Epic Learning. Epically Wonderful.

With a title like that, you just hope that this will be an epic post from Aviva.’

It’s one of those posts that I just don’t know where to start to comment.  I love the concept of setting up the store.  I wonder if those kids will remember to put that job skill on their resume!

All teachers should reflect on their activities

Sometimes our impact is in the actual work that we do, and sometimes, it’s in the inspiration to try a different approach or to view learning in a different way.

There’s a nice collection of Tweets documenting the process and her thinking.

I like the word “dabbling”.  How could you do a little dabbling in your daily routine?

Math Links for Week Ending Jun. 2nd, 2023

David creates a weekly summary of things Mathematics and here’s yet another great collection of resources. Included in this collection are a couple of links to great images that takes you deep into mathematics.

Follow the link for more information. Fascinating!

I hope that you’ll click through and enjoy all these terrific posts. Then, follow these bloggers on Twitter.

  • Matthew Morris – @callmemrmorris
  • Marc Hodgkinson – @Mr_H_Teacher
  • Doug McDowall – @dougzone2_1
  • Aviva Dunsiger – @adunsiger
  • David Petro – @davidpetro314

This Week in Ontario Edublogs on voicEd Radio

Opening Song

Closing Song

Peace Playlist

Ever since the Ukraine / Russia war, we’ve been opening and closing This Week in Ontario Edublogs with songs about peace, war, and love. They’re all here on Spotify.

2 responses to “This Week in Ontario Edublogs”

  1. Thanks Doug for sharing my post among so many other ones here. I love hearing your perspective. This project has brought me so much joy these past couple of months, and it’s not over yet. 🙂 Happy Friday!


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  2. […] Friday – This Week in Ontario Edublogs […]


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