doug — off the record

just a place to share some thoughts

Going local

As more and more people are becoming productive with ChatGPT or just exploring the service, I’m seeing people complaining that they’re unable to log in. There was a funny message from one of my friends who had captured various screen messages to try and entertain why you wait.

Now, there’s an alternative. Set it up on your own computer.

Here’s how.

How to Install ChatGPT Locally

Those that know me know that this would be like a red flag. Surely, Doug would try this.

I don’t think so.

Yes, I am a bit curious but I just don’t have some aching need to put something like this on my computer. The instructions seem to be straightforward enough but still.

I guess I’ve watched enough science fiction.

  • what if it tried to take over my computer
  • even worse, what if it tried to organize my disorganized file organization
  • what do I need to have on demand access to something that is admittedly in testing
  • what if it learned my habits and replicated them in my absence
  • since it’s evolving as a technology, am I prepared to stay up to date with updates?

I suppose that I’m just not sold on having that much of an artificial intelligence agent on my side – yet.

I have no doubt that, when it becomes viable, it’s going to be incorporated into operating systems or browsers or any applications that I might have. At that point, I’ll probably have little choice.

I do have enough assistants around here to direct me. I do find myself ignoring or disagreeing with them at times. Who needs another thing to argue with?

How about you? Are you ready to have something like this installed as your helper?

2 responses to “Going local”

  1. […] Going local – doug — off the record […]


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